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$MedCoin Decentralizing financial strategies one block at a time.

Medical Decentralization -- -- The purpose of this crypto currency is to take the medical funding out of the everyday circulated currency and place into a Medical Pool where all is safely allocated and purchased through current availing platforms, applications, and wallets where you can purchase all your pharmaceutical medications, cover all medical bills and insurance costs. Millions can be able to aquire "MedCoin". Big medical companies can purchase their stock, medical equipment and other medical related tools and instruments. If its medically related, its medically fit; "MedCoin".


Total Supply

420Q $MedCoin 50B Pooled with 0.6052 WBNB Int.

5% LP - 5% Holders



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ONE & Only ONE

No more WORRIES, Fast & Easy Transfers!

Disclaimer This MedCoin was created to be purchased by your everyday citizens and or companies who intend to accept, recieve or exchange for other crypto currencies to make sure positive transactions are made and all customers, opprerators and holders or patients are taken care of. MedCoin is created by one, managed by few, and ran by you. MedCoin was made for the people. Due to Local Law's & Ragulation's, please make sure to follow guidelines and requirements for purchasing MedCoin some countries restict and may not be available. Please purchase at your own risk.